虔心悲切遙呼上師祈請文 (Crying to The Guru From Afar)
by 蔣貢康楚羅卓他耶 (Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye)
Guru, think of me.
Kind root guru, think of me.
三世諸佛之自性 教證正法之根源
聖眾僧伽之主體 根本上師您鑒知
Essence of the buddhas of the three times,
Source of the holy dharma — what has been told and what has been experienced —
Master of the sangha, the noble assembly,
Root guru, think of me.
慈悲加持之鉅藏 二種成就之生處
事業所願悉賜予 根本上師您鑒知
Great treasure of blessings and compassion,
Source of the two siddhis,
Buddha activity that bestows whatever is desired,
Root guru, think of me.
上師無量光佛鑒知我 祈自離戲法身界垂顧
我等流轉輪迴惡業眾 得接引至大樂清淨土
Guru Amitabha, think of me.
Look upon me from the realm of dharmakaya, simplicity.
Lead us of evil karma who wander in samsara.
To the pure land of great bliss.
上師觀音菩薩鑒知我 祈自淨光報身界垂顧
徹底平息六道之痛苦 拔濟三界輪迴出樊籠
Guru Avalokitesvara, think of me.
Look upon me from the realm of sambhogakaya, luminosity.
Pacify completely the suffering of the six realms.
Shake us from the depths of the three realms of samsara.
上師蓮花生處鑒知我 祈自北瞻蓮光境垂顧
濁世失怙弱小之眾生 願以悲心迅亟為怙佑
Guru Padmakara, think of me.
Look upon me from the lotus light of Camara.(1)
The wretched Tibetan people who are without refuge in this dark age,
Quickly protect with your compassion.
上師智海王母鑒知我 祈自大樂空行城垂顧
我等惡業眾出三有海 度脫至大解脫之境域
Guru Yeshe Tsogyal,(2) think of me.
Look upon me from the celestial realm. The city of great bliss.
Help us who commit evil deeds to cross the ocean of samsara.
To the great city of liberation.
教藏傳承祖師鑒知我 祈自雙運智慧界垂顧
穿越自心迷妄之暗室 願令生起證悟之慧日
Gurus of the kama and terma lineages,(3) think of me.
Look upon me from the wisdom realm of unity.
Break through the dark dungeon of my confused mind.
Make the sun of realization arise.
遍智無垢光尊鑒知我 祈從任運五光境垂顧
圓滿本淨密意之大力 願令達到四相之究竟
Omniscient Trime Oser,(4) think of me.
Look upon me from the realm of the five spontaneous wisdom lights.
Help me to strengthen my primordially pure mind.
And master the four stages of ati yoga.(5)
無等至尊父子鑒知我 祈自兜率天眾中垂顧
具足空性慈悲之體性 願令自心生起菩提心
Incomparable Lord Atisa, father and son,(6) think of me.
Look upon me from amidst one hundred devas in Tusita.
Arouse in me bodhicitta,
The essence of emptiness and compassion.
勝成就三祖師鑒知我 祈自大樂金剛界垂顧
成就殊勝空樂大手印 願令覺悟心中妙法身
Three supreme siddhas — Marpa, Mila, and Gampopa — think of me.
Look upon me from the vajra realm of great bliss.
May I attain the supreme siddhi of mahamudra, bliss and emptiness,
And awaken dharmakaya in my heart.
世自在噶瑪巴鑒知我 祈自調御眾生界垂顧
了知一切法非真如幻 願令外境心識顯三身
Karmapa, lord of the world, think of me.
Look upon me from the space which tames all beings everywhere.
Help me to realize that all dharmas are insubstantial and illusory.
Make appearance and mind dawn as the three kayas.
噶舉四大八小鑒知我 祈從自相清淨土垂顧
淨除四位之迷妄幻惑 願令達到證悟之彼岸
Kagyus of the four great and eight lesser lineages, think of me.
Look upon me from the land of sacred outlook.
Help me to clear away my confusion in the fourth moment
And perfect my experience and realization.
尊者薩迦五祖鑒知我 祈自輪涅無別界垂顧
圓融清淨見修行三者 願令步上殊勝秘密道
Five Sakya forefathers,(7) jetsuns, think of me.
Look upon me from the realm of inseparable samsara and nirvana.
Help me to unite the completely pure view, meditation, and action
And walk upon the supreme secret path.
無等香巴噶舉鑒知我 祈自清淨之佛土垂顧
如理修習方便解脫法 願令獲致無學之雙運
Incomparable Shangpa Kagyu,(8) think of me.
Look upon me from the completely pure buddha land.
Help me to learn properly the practice that liberates through skillful means
And attain the unity of nonlearning.
大成就者勝原鑒知我 祈自無為大悲界垂顧
成就證悟虛幻之禁行(9) 願令和合心氣得自在
Great siddha, Thangtong Gyalpo,(10) think of me.
Look upon me from the realm of effortless compassion.
Help me to practice the yogic action of realizing insubstantiality.
Help me to master prana and mind.
唯一勝妙佛父鑒知我 祈自成勝事業界垂顧
傳承加持得入於心中 願令生起無方之緣起
Only father, Phadampa Sanggye,(11) think of me.
Look upon me from the realm of accomplishing the highest action.
May the blessings of your lineage enter my heart.
And may auspicious coincidence arise in all directions.
唯一語燈佛母鑒知我 祈自智慧彼岸界垂顧
徹底斷除我執之驕魔 願令親見無我離戲諦
Only mother, Machik Lapkyi Dronma, think of me.
Look upon me from the realm of Prajnaparamita.
Help me to uproot ego-fixation, the cause of pride,
And realize the truth of egolessness beyond conception.
遍智多波桑傑鑒知我 祈自完全淨妙界垂顧
得引一切氣止習中脈 願令證得無死金剛身
Omniscient enlightened one of Tolpo,(12) think of me.
Look upon me from the realm endowed with all the supreme aspects.
Help me to still the shifting breaths in the central channel
And attain the immovable vajra body.
尊者救度怙主鑒知我 祈自三種使者界垂顧(13)
無礙步上金剛秘密道 願令成就空行之虹身
Jetsun Taranatha,(14) think of me.
Look upon me from the realm of the three mudras.
May I tread the secret vajra path unhindered.
And attain the rainbow body in the celestial realm.
妙音悲智大力鑒知我 祈自二智智慧境垂顧(15)
覺醒無知心識之暗鈍 願令開展無上智慧相
Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo,(16) think of me.
Look upon me from the wisdom realm of the two kinds of knowing.
Help me to remove the obscurations of my ignorance
And expand the vision of supreme knowledge.
淨光化身金剛鑒知我 祈自五色虹光界垂顧
淨除心氣明點之障垢 願令圓滿童子寶瓶身
Osel Trulpe Dorje, think of me.
Look upon me from the realm of the five rainbow light rays.
Help me to cleanse the impurities of bindu, prana, and mind
And attain enlightenment of this youthful kaya in the vase.(17)
蓮華經密續洲鑒知我 祈自樂空不動境垂顧
佛與佛子之一切密意 願令弟子堪能悉領受
Padma Do Ngak Lingpa, think of me.
Look upon me from the unchanging realm of bliss and emptiness.
Enable me to completely fulfill
All the intentions of the victorious ones and their sons.
語自在功德海鑒知我 祈自空智雙運界垂顧
摧破一切法相之執實 願令顯境皆堪能入道
Ngakwang Yonten Gyatso,(18) think of me.
Look upon me from the realm of the union of space and wisdom.
May the habit of solidifying reality fall apart
And may I bring whatever occurs to the path.
佛子無邊智慧鑒知我 祈自慈悲之自性垂顧
了知眾生皆具恩父母 願令堪能發心修利他
Son of the victorious ones, Lodro Thaye, think of me.
Look upon me from your nature of maitri and compassion.
Enable me to realize that all beings are my kind parents
And wholeheartedly accomplish the benefit of others.
蓮華遊戲自在鑒知我 祈自大樂淨光界垂顧
度脫五毒轉化為五智 願令摧毀取捨二執著
Padma Kargyi Wangchuk, think of me.
Look upon me from the realm of great bliss and luminosity.
Help me to liberate the five poisons into the five wisdoms.
And destroy my clinging to loss and gain.
二教永固卍洲鑒知我 祈自輪涅平等界垂顧
心續生起真實之虔敬 願令證悟解脫俱時增
Tennyi Yungtrung Lingpa, think of me.
Look upon me from the realm in which samsara and nirvana are equal.
May natural devotion be born in my being.
May realization and liberation simultaneously increase.
具恩根本上師鑒知我 祈自頭頂大樂輪垂顧
親晤自明法身真面目 願令一生即能圓成佛
Kind root guru, think of me.
Look upon me from the top of my head, the place of great bliss.
May I meet my own mind, the face of dharmakaya
And attain buddhahood in one lifetime.
同我一般惡業有情眾 無始以來長轉輪迴中
尚需歷盡無邊之痛苦 剎那厭離亦未曾生起
Sentient beings like myself, evildoers with bad karma,
Have wandered in samsara from beginningless time.
Even now we experience endless suffering.
And yet not even an instant of remorse has occurred.
Guru, think of me; look upon me quickly with compassion.
Grant your blessings so that I give rise to renunciation from my depths.
已得暇滿人生竟虛度 此生無義所作常散逸
懶於承擔大利解脫行 無異從財寶洲空手回
Although I have obtained a free and well-favored human birth,
I have wasted it in vain.
I am constantly distracted by the activities of this futile life.
Unable to accomplish the great objective of liberation and overcome by laziness.
I return empty-handed from a land of jewels.
Guru, think of me; look upon me quickly with compassion.
Grand your blessings so that I fulfill the purpose of human birth.
人生在世無人能不死 如今一一陸續赴黃泉
我亦不免迅速將逝去 腐心卻做長久住世計
There is no one on earth who will not die.
Even now, one after another they pass away.
I also will die very soon,
And yet like an idiot, I prepare to live for a long time.
Guru, think of me; look upon me quickly with compassion.
Grant your blessings so that I curtail my worthless schemes.
心所愛悅親友紛離去 慳吝所集財物任人享
珍愛之身隨後亦捨棄 中陰神識無知轉輪迴
I will become separated from my lovers and friends.
The wealth and food which I hoarded in miserliness will be enjoyed by others.
Even this body I hold so dear will be left behind.
My consciousness will wander in the unknown pardos of samsara.
Guru, think of me; look upon me quickly with compassion.
Grant your blessings so that I realize the futility of life.
可怖無明暗鈍迎於前 熾盛凶猛業風逐於後
可憎閻羅使者扑又撻 難忍惡道之苦需歷嚐
The black darkness of fear escorts me along.
The fierce red wind of karma chases after me.
Yama's hideous messengers beat and hack me.
Thus, I experience the unbearable suffering of the lower realms.
Guru, think of me; look upon me quickly with compassion.
Grant your blessings so that I free myself from the chasms of the lower realms.
已惡如山但於心中藏 他惡如芥竟毀謗宣傳
無啥功德卻自驕賢善 假行者名而只行非法
My faults are as large as a mountain, but I conceal them within me.
Others' faults are as minute as a sesame seed, but I proclaim and condemn them.
I boast about my virtues, though I don't even have a few.
I call myself a dharma practitioner and practice only nondharma.
Guru, think of me; look upon me quickly with compassion.
Grant your blessings so that I subdue my selfishness and pride.
固有禍根我執魔住心 一切心念煩惱增長因
一切行為皆具不善果 於解脫道絲毫不趨進
I hide the demon of ego-fixation within, which will ruin me permanently.
All of my thoughts are the cause of perpetuating klesas.
All of my actions have unvirtuous results.
I have not even gone toward the path of liberation.
Guru, think of me; look upon me quickly with compassion.
Grant your blessings so that I uproot my selfishness.
些許毀譽即生憂喜心 些許惡言即失忍辱甲
見無助者不生慈悲心 臨布施境卻為慳吝縛
Just a little praise or blame makes me happy or sad.
A mere harsh word causes me to lose my armor of patience.
Even when I see helpless ones, compassion does not arise.
When needy people come to me, I am tied up by a knot of miserliness.
Guru, think of me; look upon me quickly with compassion.
Grant your blessings so that my mind is mixed with the dharma.
無實輪迴卻執為有實 為衣食故捨究竟意樂
生活資具貪得而無厭 非真如幻之法欺自心
I hold on dearly to futile samsara.
For the sake of food and clothing, I completely abandon permanent objectives.
Though I have everything I need, I constantly want more and more.
My mind is duped by insubstantial and illusory things.
Guru, think of me; look upon me quickly with compassion.
Grant your blessings so that I am not attached to this life.
微細身心苦惱亦不忍 趨於惡趣仍頑強無懼
因果不爽歷歷而現前 不修善業徒增罪惡狀
I cannot endure even the slightest physical or mental pain,
Yet I am so stubborn that I have no fear of falling into the lower realms.
Though I actually see unerring cause and effect,
Still I do not act virtuously, but perpetuate evil.
Guru, think of me; look upon me quickly with compassion.
Grant your blessings so that conviction in karma arises in me.
瞋敵愛親之心常生起 於取捨境迷惑似愚癡
如法行時昏沉而無力 非法行時聰明而機敏
I am hateful toward enemies and attached to friends.
I am stupefied in darkness as to what should be accepted and rejected.
When practicing the dharma, I fall under the influence of discursiveness, sloth, and sleep.
When acting against the dharma, I am clever and my senses are alert.
Guru, think of me; look upon me quickly with compassion.
Grant your blessings so that I conquer my enemy, the klesas.
外表儼然清淨行者相 於自內心卻與法相違
如毒蛇般煩惱藏於心 遇緣即露行者之罪跡
My outer appearance is that of an authentic dharma practitioner,
But inside, my mind is not mixed with the dharma.
Like a poisonous snake, the klesas are concealed within me.
When I encounter bad circumstances, my hidden faults as a bad practitioner are revealed.
Guru, think of me; look upon me quickly with compassion.
Grant your blessings so that I can tame my own mind.
自身過惡自己不察知 持行者相行種種非法
煩惱不善之業常薰習 善心一再滋生一再斫
I don't realize my own bad faults.
I maintain the form of a practitioner while engaging in various nondharmic pursuits.
Because of the klesas, I am naturally accustomed to unvirtuous actions.
Again and again I give birth to a mind of virtue, but again and again it falls apart.
Guru, think of me; look upon me quickly with compassion.
Grant your blessings so that I see my own faults.
逝者如斯死亡日益近 日復一日自心益頑強
依止上師虔誠次第減 兄弟仁愛悲憫逐漸薄
As each day passes, my death is nearer and nearer.
As each day passes, my being is harsher and harsher.
Though I attend my guru, my devotion becomes gradually obscured.
Love, affection, and sacred outlook toward my dharma companions grow smaller and smaller.
Guru, think of me; look upon me quickly with compassion.
Grant your blessings so that I tame my stubborn nature.
雖已皈依發心與祈請 虔敬慈悲未自心底生
只依文字修法與行善 行持僵化無法深心信
I've taken refuge, aroused bodhicitta, and made supplications,
But devotion and compassion are not born in the depths of my heart.
I give lip service to dharmic action and spiritual practice,
But they become routine and I'm not touched by them.
Guru, think of me; look upon me quickly with compassion.
Grant your blessings so that I may be one with the dharma.
一切痛苦源於求己樂 經云以利他心而成佛
發殊勝心卻深藏私欲 利他附帶成就害他行
All suffering comes from desiring happiness for oneself.
Although it is said that buddhahood is attained by considering the welfare of others,
I arouse supreme bodhicitta but secretly cherish selfishness.
Not only do I not benefit others, I casually cause them harm.
Guru, think of me; look upon me quickly with compassion.
Grant your blessings so that I exchange myself for others.
上師即佛卻執為凡夫 開示深教恩德旋遺忘
若己所願不遂即退心 懷疑師行而為邪見蔽
The guru is buddha in person, but I regard him as an ordinary man.
I forget his kindness in giving profound instructions.
When he doesn't do what I want, I lose heart.
His actions and behavior are clouded over by my doubts and disbelief.
Guru, think of me; look upon me quickly with compassion.
Grant your blessings so that unobscured devotion will increase.
自心即佛但不識本性 妄念即法身竟不了悟
任運即真性而難保任 自然即本性卻不相信
My own mind is the Buddha, but I never realize this.
Discursive thoughts are dharmakaya, but I don't realize this.
This is the unfabricated, innate state, but I cannot keep to this.
Naturalness is things as they really are, but I have no conviction in this.
Guru, think of me; look upon me quickly with compassion.
Grant your blessings so that my mind will be spontaneously liberated.
死亡必來不堪心憶持 正法實益不堪如理修
業果真諦不如理取捨 念知必要不依而散逸
Death is certain to come, but I am unable to take this to heart.
The holy dharma truly benefits, but I am unable to practice it properly.
Karma and its result are certainly true, but I do not properly discriminate what to accept or reject.
Mindfulness and awareness are certainly necessary, but not stabilizing them, I am swept away by distractions.
Guru, think of me; look upon me quickly with compassion.
Grant your blessings so that I maintain undistracted mindfulness.
前世惡業故生此濁世 往昔所作一切皆苦因
惡友皆為罪惡之覆影 信樂無義之言疏善行
Because of my former evil actions, I was born at the end of the dark age.
All that I have previously done has caused me suffering.
Because of evil friends, I am darkened by the shadow of evil deeds.
My dharma practice has been sidetracked by my meaningless chatter.
Guru, think of me; look upon me quickly with compassion.
Grant your blessings so that I completely accomplish the holy dharma.
起初發心佛法別無他 末了果報輪迴惡道因
解脫果為不善霜所摧 我等過惡難馴毀終的
At first, I thought of nothing but the dharma,
But in the end, the results are evil existences and samsara.
The flower of freedom has been cut down by the frost of non-virtue!
People like me, the dregs of the world, ruin their own ultimate goals.
Guru, think of me; look upon me quickly with compassion.
Grant your blessings so that I will follow the holy dharma to completion.
生起甚深出離祈加持 無暇故減營謀祈加持
內心憶念死亡祈加持 生起業之信仰祈加持
修行道上無礙祈加持 修行堪能精進祈加持
惡緣取之入道祈加持 堪能對治自心祈加持
生起真實虔誠祈加持 親晤真理自性祈加持
覺醒心中自明祈加持 徹底斷除妄境祈加持
Grant your blessings so that I give birth to deep sadness.
Grant your blessings so that my worthless schemes are curtailed.
Grant your blessings so that I take to heart the certainty of death.
Grant your blessings so that conviction in karma arises in me.
Grant your blessings so that the path is free from obstacles.
Grant your blessings so that I am able to exert myself in practice.
Grant your blessings so that unfortunate circumstances are brought to the path.
Grant your blessings so that I continually apply my antidotes.
Grant your blessings so that genuine devotion arises in me.
Grant your blessings so that I glimpse the natural state.
Grant your blessings so that insight is awakened in my heart.
Grant your blessings so that I uproot confusion.
Grant your blessings so that I attain buddhahood in one lifetime.
至誠祈請尊貴上師寶 悲切呼求具恩之法王
自身不堪非尊無所依 師心我心合一無別祈加持
Precious guru, I supplicate you.
Kind lord of the dharma, I cry to you with longing.
I am an unworthy person who relies on no one but you.
Grant your blessings so that my mind mixes inseparably with yours.